Can you use Bluetooth on A plane? 

A long journey by car or plane may become quite bland without music or entertainment. Some people find it calm and peaceful to sleep while listening to music. As passengers need to put their mobile phones on airplane mode in the plane, so many passengers worry about Bluetooth connectivity. Most people ask, “Can you use Bluetooth on A plane?” 

Can you use Bluetooth on A plane?

Though airlines allow their passengers to listen to any music or anything else they want but with their hands-free. Listening to anything loud may cause problems for others, so that a hands-free headset will be evident in this case. 

Due to technological development, Bluetooth on a plane is more precise and effective in listening to something. This is due to the reason that the wires of the headset may tangle and break all along. 

People want to enjoy their trip with their music taste, so they become curious to find can you use Bluetooth on a plane? The answer is yes! You can use Bluetooth on a plane. However, some airlines have restrictions following its use, but they are mostly allowed. 

Planes’ basic rule

There are always some basic rules to do something; thus, planes also have. Along with other laws, mobile phone use has some strict and compulsory rules, like airplane mode. You must turn off your mobile phone or set it to airplane mode before the plane’s departure. The reason is to avoid any signal interference of the flight administration to your mobile data. 

You can turn it on after the landing of the flight. With some basic rules, some special rules differ for different airlines. For example, can you use AirPods on a plane? Or you may want to know, can you use Bluetooth on a plane? 

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi policies for planes

People may wonder, can I use Bluetooth on a plane with airplane mode? The mobile data, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth automatically turn off when the mobile operates in airplane mode. But some people need to use AirPods on a plane that works with Bluetooth. If you want to turn the Bluetooth on, you need to follow some steps:

  1. Turn airplane mode on; this will disable all the features. 
  2. Open the setting app and scroll down to Wi-Fi and turn it on. 
  3. Now find the Bluetooth in the setting and enable it. 
  4. After it, the available options will pop up there after it, so connect your required network. 
  5. Bluetooth has a range of up to a certain distance. So make sure to reach that specific area. 
  6. Now you can use Bluetooth and enjoy your best moments. 

Bluetooth Authorized Airlines

The signal of the SIM may disturb the airlines’ signal, so it is compulsory to turn electronic devices on airplane mode. But bluetooth shares its signals to a limited area, so most airlines allow the use of bluetooth and AirPods. 

Can you use Bluetooth on A plane? Here is a list of airways that allow:

Alaska Airlines

Alaska Airlines allows the use of bluetooth on the flight. 

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines permits the use of bluetooth but must ensure the activation of airplane mode. 

Allegiant Airlines

These airlines don’t have any issues with using AirPods, but they don’t offer Wi-Fi. So you have to download the required data before the flight to enjoy the trip. 

Frontiers Airlines

Frontier Airlines mentioned that the headset or bluetooth is OK to use. 

United Airlines

They offer to use bluetooth legitimately during the flight. 


Jetblue lets you use bluetooth without any problem. 


Delta has permitted travelers to use bluetooth or AirPods. 

Limitations for the Connectivity

Do you need clarification about whether can you use AirPods on a plane? Or, can you use Bluetooth on a plane? Many allow the use of bluetooth, but some restrict its use while taking off or landing. Following airlines present some limitations:

British Airways

British Airways allow bluetooth but within some restrictions. You cannot connect it while taking off or landing. At that time, you need to disconnect it. 

Air Canada

They offer the use of bluetooth for flights with Wi-Fi but only for flights with Wi-Fi connectivity. The other condition is the height of the flight. It doesn’t permit below the height of 10,000 feet. After that, you can use AirPods with bluetooth without any hassle. 

Backseat TV rules

Airlines set Backseat TVs for the entertainment purpose of the passengers. Though they have their available data, you may want to use bluetooth with your AirPods. So the airlines accept your choice and allow you to connect, but some have some limitations for their use. On most flights, you are easy to go using your bluetooth connectivity. Every airline has an app that you can use on their flights. There is a list of airlines that owe an official app:

Personal mobile apps

Some airlines offer their official mobile apps because of a conflict with the bluetooth policy. Many people ask can i use bluetooth on a plane? These apps are free to use while traveling. You can connect them to the backseat TV and listen from your AirPods. There is no restriction over their use at any height. You must install them before the take-off to maximize your joy. 


In a nutshell, the answer may differ from your question can I use bluetooth on a plane? Airlines have their own specific rules for the use of bluetooth or the use of AirPods. Some airways allow using airpods without restriction, but others allow it after a certain plane height. So before taking a flight, confirm its rules by its administration. 

Hopefully, this article will help you to understand can you use bluetooth on a plane? 

To ensure the final step towards using bluetooth on the flight, you must search the official website or information center. If the airlines don’t specify the use of bluetooth, you are free to go. You can freely connect your seatback TV to ensure pleasure and comfort while traveling. 

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